We should not only have interpreters with good language skills - our interpreters should also have high knowledge of the area in which you are ordering us.
That is why all our interpreters go through training and take regular courses to raise their level of expertise.
If you want to become an interpreter or increase your professional level, we recommend attending our interpretation courses.
The courses are divided into the fields of law, health and society, as well as a basic course which is compulsory for all interpreters with a collaboration agreement.
The goal is to pre-qualify our interpreters for assignments in the public sector. The interpreters are therefore required to be engaged and social in the subject. Our courses emphasize:
Problem solving and group work, stories from the real world, professional challenges and training in subject terms, interpreters' interpretation, introduction to the interpreting profession, as well as Nord Tolk's guidelines.
Everyone who attends the courses must also complete a home exam, which includes subject terminology that you as an interpreter will need during assignment. If you pass, you will be given our own course certificate.
We hold our courses in both Kristiansand and Oslo.
Check which date is right for you in the link above and send an email to for registration. When you sign up, it is important that you enter your full name, course type, date, course location and mobile number.
Any changes will be notified to the individual participant.
We should not only have interpreters with good language skills - our interpreters should also have high knowledge of the area in which you are ordering us.
That is why all our interpreters go through training and take regular courses to raise their level of expertise.
As an interpreter with us, we require an extended police certificate every two years.
We at Nord Tolk regularly cooperate with the police, child welfare, lawyers and courts in Norway. We therefore want police certification for security reasons and for the company's internal quality assurance.
All our interpreters and translators receive their own mail with instructions on how to apply for a limited police certificate.